Don't give up -- Fast Company has galloped in to the rescue. They've consolidated and constructed an entire overview article using links to the latest reporting and analysis and it's all right here: SOPA: A Mega, Meta Mashup Of News | Fast Company
Do yourself a favor and step away from the search engine and RSS feeds. Give this article a good read, maybe even click thru a couple of the links. It helps -- I finished it and felt much better.
And while you're thinking about it, leave a comment with your two cents on SOPA. What's good about it, what's bad about it and how do you think it will all shake out?
My favorite surprise in all of it was when all 4 (R) candidates came out against SOPA. Didn't know they could spell it, let alone comprehend it's flaws ... and I'm feeling strangely reassured by that some how. Go figure.